Colombia - Finca Las Mercedes

Colombia - Finca Las Mercedes

from £8.60

About This Coffee

This Colombian coffee from Southwest Antioquia, Finca Las Mercedes has sweet and citrusy undertones, making it perfect for your espresso or filter due to its versatility. Fully washed, grown at an altitude of 1750 - 2050m, these coffee beans’ varietals are Colombia, Caturra and Castillo and is a medium roast. Its wonderfully unique taste has been recognised by experts and has won The Great Taste Award 2020.

Tasting Notes

Orange and sweet brown sugar.

Growing Coffee in Colombia, Finca Las Mercedes

Located in the temperate climate and mountainous terrain of southwest Antioquia, Finca Las Mercedes has the perfect altitude and climate for producing excellent quality coffee as well as playing host to a diversity of native flora and fauna. In this ideally situated terrain, the Guerra family have dedicated 150 of their 384 extensive hectares to coffee. The rest of the farm lies under native forest – some 234 hectares devoted entirely as a nature reserve.

In the first few years alone, Don Alfonso planted 150,000 coffee trees on the farm, and since, the principle economic focus of the Guerra family has turned to coffee farming. Don Alfonso’s son, Juan Carlos Guerra will be the third generation in his family to farm coffee and is now actively involved in the day to day running of the farm. Under his influence the farm has increasingly focused on quality improvements and speciality coffee production. The farm’s Caturra (70%), Castillo (20%) and Colombia (10%) trees are painstakingly maintained with environmental concerns being paramount.

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