Ethiopia - Sidamo - Washed (March Subscription Coffee)

Ethiopia - Sidamo - Washed (March Subscription Coffee)
About This Coffee
For many years this Ethiopian Sidamo coffee has been a firm favourite here at Bean Brothers HQ and has proven to be a huge hit with our customers also, so in a sense - it speaks for itself. It has been grown at an altitude of 1850 - 2100 m and is washed. The indigenous Heirloom varietals - which grow wild in Ethiopia - are responsible for the unique flavour notes which make for an unusual but beautifully refined cup. Ethiopia Sidamo has a highly aromatic, natural floral sweetness that’s complimented with a blueberry and chocolate mocha body. A sweet acidity with hints of red berries, jasmine and bergamot which leaves you with a wonderful creamy mouth feel.
Tasting Notes
Red berries and jasmine.
Growing Coffee in Ethiopia, Sidamo
Chire wetmill is located in the eponymous village of the Sidamo sub-region, in the ‘Southern Nations, Nationalities & Peoples’ (SNNP) region of Ethiopia. Over a number of years the region has developed a distinguished reputation for fine coffees, producing some of the most sought-after microlots in the world. The combination of high altitude (up to 2,200m in some areas), fertile soil, consistent and plentiful rains, and an abundance of local knowledge are all contributing factors to the high status of Yirgacheffe coffees.
The Process
Ripe cherries are delivered to the wet mill for careful sorting and pulping, before fermentation for 36-48 hours, depending on the climactic conditions. After this point the parchment coffee is thoroughly washed and graded by bean density before being dried in the sun on raised African beds for 12 - 15 days (until the ideal moisture level has been reached). In the daytime the parchment needs to be raked and turned periodically to ensure a consistent drying process. The coffee is also covered between 12pm and 3pm to protect it from the hot sun, and at night time to protect it from rainfall and moisture. Once the coffee has dried to the right level, it is transported to Addis Ababa for dry- milling, grading, intensive sorting and handpicking, before being bagged in GrainPro for export.